Laser Removal of vascular and Pigmented lesions


Laser Removal of Vascular and Pigmented lesions.

Cutera® LimelightTM IPL and Laser GenesisTM are powerful and effective intense pulse light (IPL) and laser devices used to treat vascular lesions, such as unwanted broken capillaries and spider veins, and pigmented lesions, such as red spots (or rosacea) and dark spots (or age spots).

For vascular lesions, the pattern of heat generated by these devices allows only the blood vessels to absorb the heat. This absorption of heat causes the blood vessel to collapse which is naturally absorbed by the body. It can take 2-4 weeks for the veins to ultimately disappear. The treatment duration and frequency varies depending on the severity of leg and facials veins. The average patient needs only one to two treatments for results to be apparent within several weeks.

For pigmented lesions, the IPL (Intense Pulse Light) targets both brown and red spots in the skin. For red spots (or rosacea), it works by heating the hemoglobin in the targeted area causing the vessels to collapse, which the body naturally absorbs. For brown spots (or age spots), it works by heating and diffusing the melanin in the targeted area causing the body to naturally produce new cells in place of the damaged ones.

This procedure leaves your skin healthy and renewed. The IPL skin rejuvenation procedure is safe and effective for almost all skin types.

Dr Gambhir will determine proper treatment modality and protocol to maximize results with minimal discomfort.